Monday 1 July 2024

Holiday shopping

No games for a few weeks (again!) due to family health issues and work annoyingly arranging late meetings in London.

We're off this week for a break in North Norfolk where we plan on doing very little.  Yesterday we popped into Blickling Hall for a walk and lunch (we've been visiting here enough times now to have mapped out all the decent cafes and pubs in this part of Norfolk!).  Like a lot of National Trust places, Blickling has a 2nd hand bookshop but this one is absolutely huge by comparison with most and I managed to snaffle a couple of bargains

I used to have a copy of The Face of Battle, but someone borrowed it years ago so I was pleased to get a replacement copy.

The ACW uniform book by Philip Haythornthawite is pretty old but is good inspiration for starting on some Warlord Epic figures I acquired via eBay

Blickling itself is lovely... we didn't do the long walk round the grounds and lake but had a walk near some sheep which was 'interesting' when the dogs decided they'd make a decent snack!  The Hall dates back to 1616, although it was built on an earlier building which was owned at one point by the Boleyns. During WW2 it made a nice billet for RAF officers while the riff-raff had to make do with Nissen huts in the grounds!


  1. Great little additions to the collection!

  2. Sounds like you're having a nice break in a lovely area-excellent!

  3. I do like the Blandford books and have most of them
