Sunday 12 February 2023


I've always been a big fan of the PC game Civilisation... I hate to think how many hours have slipped away on various versions of the game. So I was intrigued when Mark suggested trying his newly arrived boardgame Mosaic which draws a lot of inspiration from Civ. This was the Kickstarter edition which comes with lots of nice components... I guess the standard version won't be quite so flashy but still lovely I'd assume.

The game takes place around a map of the Mediterranean although each Civilisation isn't restricted in where they can place cities and towns. These allow you to start gathering trade goods which is one way to gain gold and buy your way to victory. But the joy of Mosaic is that there are.multiple ways to advance and win. Each player takes one action per turn including 
working to produce those vital.resources like food, stone and ideas: some serious thinking is required to access the next important resource... Technology. Claiming different forms of Technology is vital in gaining more points. You can also Build things... not just cities and towns but also roads, baths and a host of things that enhance your civilisation.

Players can also build Wonders, create different styles of Government and claim different Achievements, allow which add to your victory point tally.

Scoring is carried out at various points in the game depending on when the Score cards turn up in the different decks of cards. In both of our games I came last but I really didn't mind... I loved the game and was pleased that I'd improved my score in the 2nd game (even if I was still last!). It's always a good sign when you mull over the game the next day, thinking about what you might have done differently.  

One of the things I really loved about the game is the huge variety of ways to win. There are lots of different strategies that can lead to a victory... I just need to find one!! Highly recommended.

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