Thursday 2 April 2020

Lockdown painting update

Well, we're into week 2 of the UK lockdown and my wife and I haven't killed each other yet!  To be fair it isn't as drastic for me as it has been for many others as I already work from home and my wife retired early so is also used to being at home.  My day to day work is broadly the same but obviously face to face meetings have now been replaced with an endless cycle of phone calls and Zoom meetings.  I work in the charity sector and this has been very badly hit with a massive fall in donations so I do expect the 'furlough' discussion at some point in the next few weeks though.

Painting continues at pace with the odd distraction from PC games (Civ 6 is a real time waster!).  I've now completed 120 Perry Wars of the Roses figures.

Lord Percy's Rhythm and Blues Quartet

All infantry so far... a mix of Men at Arms, Bowmen, Billmen and some Burgundian mercenaries.  I'll need to add some Mounted Men at Arms and Light Horse at some point but I may have to take a break from the WotR and find something else to paint: my attention span is pretty short and it would be nice to work on something else for a bit.  Luckily (like most wargamers) finding some unpainted figures to paint isn't going to be a problem!  I might even work on my ACW Ironclads... I keep saying this and then finding excuses to do something else, not sure why!  I think next on the list will be this lot...

I bought these last summer and they have been left to mature nicely while I worked on my AWI armies and the WotR retinue (can't believe how much I've painted in the last 6 months...definitely more than in the last few years combined!).  I've always fancied building forces for WW2 in the Far East and eventually plunged in with these figures.  My plan was to build a Japanese platoon for Chain of Command and then put together some Chindits or Australians as opponents.  All my WW2 gaming has generally been Europe based so I'm not sure where this notion came from although I blame things like this from my youth...

Banzai!: Three of the Best Brit-V-Japanese Commanic Comic Book ...

Warlord #120 (Issue)

The lockdown has also meant more hunting around to find things to watch on tv.  I can highly recommend The Mandalorian which is now out on the Disney+ channel.  It defintiely has a cowboy vibe about it and I loved this spoof trailer which appeared recently...

I've also just watched the last episode of Star Trek Picard.   I have mixed feeling about Star Trek series but this has been really excellent.  The ending was a little predictable (I won't say any more) but was still very good despite this and the tone of the series has been really enjoyable all the way through.

Star Trek: Picard (Official Site) Watch on CBS All Access


  1. Your certainly getting through the painting Alastair...
    I love the band... I am sure I could fit a few band members into most of my collections...

    Commando Comics... and Airfix... I think that between them they must be responsible for most wargamers of a certain age...

    All the best. Aly

  2. Really like the rhythm and blues band.

  3. 120 WotR figures!Impressed! I started the Japanese too but I have no idea where they are!
