Monday 12 August 2019

Painting update - AWI Miliitia - done!

Surprising progress on the paint table this week as I actually completed the unit of AWI Militia that I started a couple of weeks ago!  My painting is notoriously slow but, having gotten over the trauma of trying to build the little buggers, I painted them remarkably quickly.  I never knew I had so many shades of brown!

As usual I'm late to the party with the new GW Contrast paints but last week I was on my way back from a meeting and decided to call into The Gamers Guild in Redhill.  I haven't been in there for about 4 years and it was good to see the shop packed  with people playing and painting (admittedly mainly GW Warcry).The shop has been around for several years and has weathered a few bumps along the way but it was good to see they are well stocked with GW and Army Painter paints and a lot of boardgames.  I picked up a few pots of the new Contrast paints to see if the do actually make a difference.

The idea of Contrast is that it acts a bit like a base coat and wash all in one and saves time if you are painting in bulk.  Of course I can't cope with painting more than about a dozen figures at a time so I'm not sure this will make an appreciable difference to my painting but I thought it was an interesting experiment.  I'd assembled 12 AWI Continental Infantry as my next batch so I will try out the paints on their blue jackets and on the British Redcoats when I get round to them.  I've tried the blue on a couple of figures and so far I haven't noticed an appreciable difference but I'll put up a proper post about it once I've done a bit more experimentation

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