Thursday, 20 February 2025

Painting update (dont faint...!): Fallout Factions

 The other day I picked up a paintbrush for the first time in months... I tend to have fits and starts of painting and once I stop I sometimes find it hard to get going again.

I want to get back to working on my 'Epic' scale ECW figures but in the meantime I've been painting some of the Fallout Factions figures from Modiphius, for my friend Andrew.  The Nuka World set comes with 2 factions, each 10 strong.  There are a host of weapon choices to be made, and this is something that I found quite intimidating.  There are quite specific combinations of weapon loadouts which are permitted and, as the figures are meant to be WYSIWIG I was quite stressed assembling them incase I picked the 'wrong' choices!

Once I'd got over the anxiety-inducing (and quite fiddly) building stage, the figures were very nice to paint.  The 1st Faction, the Operators are quite uniform in their style.  They're described as more of a crime syndicate than a gang of raiders, so I went with a very Fallout shade of blue (Vallejo Caspian Blue).  

I also had some scenery to paint... from the Red Rocket location.  Quite simple to paint... Red speed paint with some weathering and rust patches.

Next up are The Pack who seem to be a much more ragged bunch of Raiders...  now I'm off to raise my stress levels by doing some more figure assembly!

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