Popped into our local branch of Waterstones yesterday and had a quick browse of the boardgame section. This has definitely grown in the last year or so... I know the last couple of games my son bought me (Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrel, and The White Castle) came from there. Amongst the lighter games like Catan ,Ticket to Ride etc was a copy of Mosaic
I've played a lot of this at Eric the Shed's as Mark, a Shed regular, has a fancy deluxe version with all the bells and whistles added. It's a great game, very reminiscent of the PC game Civilisation. It's deceptively simple but has a multitude of ways to win (or not, in my case).
The game didn't have a price and was quite badly damaged so I asked the member of staff if they'd do a discount.
Without seeing it he said they'd usually knock off 10% but when I showed home the box he did a double-take and immediately offered 50% off! I guess he thought no one in their right mind is going to buy this, except for the idiot standing in front of him!!
So I'm now the proud owner of a very hefty, rather bashed, boardgame.
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