Saturday, 30 November 2024

Temple of the Beastmen

 A bit of a different game this week, and one which had passed me by completely despite loving the VSF/Space1889 genre.  This is Temple of the Beastmen, produced by GDW waaaay back in 1989.

The game is a bit of a dungeon exploration game with different characters wandering through a series of levels in the palace of Martian King Gnaashriik.  The palace consists of a central shaft which players can gonup and down, and 5 levels, each with a number of hidden rooms and passages ready to be explored.  And, of course, these are filled with Beastmen, traps and (hopefully) treasures and slaves to be rescued.

Each character has their own skills and objectives.  In our game I randomly drew Lieutenant Arthur who has the advantage of a pistol, allowing ranged combat, and who gains bonus points if he can rescue the missing Ambassador.  Victory points can also be obtained by finding treasure and rescuing slaves.  My opponent, Anthony, drew Miss Lucy who begins in the depths of the palace at level 5 and without any resources, but who gains bonus points for exploring each level.

As you explore, payers turn over the face down tile to reveal a passageway or room.  Some rooms are better than others... the Barracks are more likely to have Beastmen, the Slave Quarters will (not surprisingly) have slaves to be rescued, and woebetide if you come across the Throne Room and King Gnaashriik (I did!!).  Once tile is revealed a card is drawn to reveal what it contains... good or bad.

Interestingly characters can never die... they begin with a number of servants who bravely take a bullet/spear to save the character.  But don't worry... you can always pop back outside the palace and recruit a few more (and presumably avoiding awkward questions about exactly what happened to the last group of servants that accompanied the character a few turns earlier!!)  In our game I bravely battled my way down to level 3, acquiring a band of rescued slaves, running away from King Gnaashriik and his pals, and picking up some valuable treasure.  All was looking good until I came across a 'Nameless Horror' and all my servants ran away!!  Miss Lucy meanwhile was racking up the points by checking off all the levels in the Palace.  On almost the last card of the game I turned the Ambassador card and bagged 17vp's and won the game by a single point!

The game is great fun... it works well with 2 players but I can see it would be even better with more.  There are options to move Beastmen onto your opponent or to fight each other and in a multiplayer game the opportunities for shenanigans would be high!  It reminded me a lot of 2 games I played a lot back in the 80s... Sorcerors Cave and Mystic Wood.  Anthony had also picked up some really nice original miniatures which were produced for the game and which really capture the feel of the characters.


  1. Glad you liked it! Guess what-I bit the bullet and actually bought Mystic Wood....!
