Sunday 13 October 2024

Paint table update: Aerial Ships

A while ago I acquired Skygalleons of Mars and Anthony and I enjoyed a game pitting British aerial steamships against German rivals over Mars.  This sent both of us off down a steampunky/Wellsian rabbit hole looking at the whole Aeronef setting.

Easily tempted, I ordered a couple of the very reasonably priced Flotilla packs from Brigade Models and a set of Osprey's Castles in the Sky rules.  It's clear the Scots stereotype isn't far from the surface as this was a nice cheap starter set of figures and rules.  One of the things I really like about Osprey's 'Blue Book' rules is that they are very affordable and if they don't work out, I don't feel like I've lost a fortune in trying them out.

First up is the British Flotilla consisting of a Destroyer, 4 Destroyers and 4 Corvettes...

Last night my wife passed by as I was fixing them to the flying bases.  "Why are they mounted on stands?"... "Oh, that's because they're flying ships".  She gave a little sigh, rolled her eyes and muttered "Of course they are..."  Sometimes I forget how weird this hobby can be to everyone else!


  1. Do submarines fly on lower stands ? lol ...its different!
