Tuesday 2 April 2024

Another painting update

Still no gaming to report due to family health issues... I'm hoping this will change in a few weeks (mind you I said that a while ago!)

In the meantime I've been cracking on with more painting.  Some additional Covenanters have joined the army (photos to follow once I've added some dragoons) and a few more 2mm Strength & Honour units... a couple of Legions for the Romans and Light Horse for the Parthians and a unit of Elephants for when my Parthians evolve into Sassanids.

And a few woods, farms and rough ground templates for good measure...



  1. I really like the 2mm stuff, really looks like an army, I really must invest in some!!

  2. These are turning out very nicely indeed.
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. WOW 2mm Armies! They look amazing. I have just been brave enough to try to paint 15mm having been used to 54mm. Well done. Quinn
