Saturday 14 March 2020

On the paint table....

My improvement in my painting output seems to be holding out as I have been busily working through the boxes of Perry Wars of the Roses figures that have emerged from the loft.  I find it easier to work in smaller sized units as I feel like I'm making progress when I finish one and so 12 man Lion Rampant sized units are ideal. 

So far I have units of bowmen, billmen, foot knights and handgunners as well as a few standard bearers.  All foot units so far... I'm not a fan of painting horses but I'll have to bite the bullet at some point and get some knights and light horse sorted out.

The handgunners and a unit of crossbowmen, who are assembled but unpainted, are going to be European mercenaries... the crossbowmen will have to be Burgundian or Flemish to match the card from the Kingmaker boardgame.  The mercenaries box also has some spearmen who will either become French footsoldiers, again to fit in with the Kingmaker theme, or be converted into more billmen.

The completed figures so far...

Some assembled but unpainted standard bearers and drummers (from the European mercenaries box).  I have some very nice flags from Pete's Flags to go with them once they are all done.

Every army needs a King...

How did he get in here??  He must have escaped from my AWI boxes which were out last week!


  1. Lovely stuff Alastair-especially the command stand!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Yeah...I just find painting in 12s makes more sense. It's a nice manageable number and I can combine them in multiples of 6 for HC. Might need to buy more Mercenaries though.
