Like everyone my Lockdown gaming has been seriously curtailed and it's only been thanks to a friend and I playing some online games of Lock & Load Tactical that there has been any gaming at all.
As things have begun to relax in England (not necessarily wisely) I was invited over for a socially distant game in the garden with Anthony. We had been going to play Men of Bronze but for technical reasons this had to be changed to something else. Anthony chose Airfix Battles, the boardgame which came out a few years ago, but using 20mm figures in lieu of the counters. I'd played this once when it first came out but it's pretty easy to pick up, using cards to activate squads... either to give them a basic action or something a bit more specialised.

The game was a real tussle as both sides came close to defeat and victory but a last ditch charge and assault by one of my sections clinched the victory. It's a deceptively simple game but great for an afternoon or evening session.
Apologies for the glare on the photos but we were playing on the hottest day of the year and the sun was pretty fierce!
Back at home we played a game of Discworld: Ankh Morpork which is a really fun game...
...and then at the weekend my son and I played the 1st game in the campaign of Imperial Assault, the Star Wars game by Fantasy Flight Games. As I've played before and he hadn't I took the part of the Imperials which is always fun as it meant I get to throw all sorts of evilness at him. I almost managed to take out a couple of his heroes early on with a self-destructing probe droid but he realised what I was up to and managed to get out of the way.
I always find the scenarios in this game are well thought out and although they have tight turn limits and are quite demanding, they are all winnable by either side. In the introductory scenario our heroes made it by the skin of their teeth, achieving the victory conditions on the last turn and receiving a lot of damage in the process.
Surely even Stormtroopers couldn't miss at this range??! Of course they did!
Hopefully gaming is beginning to get back to some kind of (relative) normality for everyone and we can all get back to regular games soon.