Tuesday 30 April 2024

Here's the Ruckus

 Popped into our local WH Smiths this afternoon and nabbed a copy of the latest Wargames Illustrated which, this month, has a free rule set included... Here's the Ruckus.

As the title suggests this is an addition of sorts to the excellent Never Mind the Billhooks bit focused very much on the skirmish level with forces of a dozen or so figures per player.  I haven't had a chance to read through yet but I can already see these have lots of potential for all sorts of games and periods.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Another painting update

Still no gaming to report due to family health issues... I'm hoping this will change in a few weeks (mind you I said that a while ago!)

In the meantime I've been cracking on with more painting.  Some additional Covenanters have joined the army (photos to follow once I've added some dragoons) and a few more 2mm Strength & Honour units... a couple of Legions for the Romans and Light Horse for the Parthians and a unit of Elephants for when my Parthians evolve into Sassanids.

And a few woods, farms and rough ground templates for good measure...