After a very long break I played out the latest chapter of our ongoing Imperial Assault campaign this week.
This has been taking place very slowly and it has been ages since we played the last game. Luckily my opponent Andrew had some handy notes and a better grasp of the campaign system than I did, so we were able to pick up quite smoothly from where we left off.
IA has a good campaign structure with some 'Story missions' which are determined by the outcome of preceding stories. These are interspersed with side missions which give the Rebel scum a chance to gain experience and possibly gain some extra equipment and Allies. As the Imperial player I get the fun of running the scenario and knowing what is about the hit the Rebs.
I won't go into too much detail about the scenario as the fun of the game is the unknown elements but it is one in which the Rebels have a very slim chance of success... think of it as the episode that is full of peril and leaves the heroes struggling before they triumph in the next episode. It does mean that it can be quite frustrating for the Rebels as it is quite unbalanced.
To make matters worse Andrew only had 2 heroes...although this meant they had additional bonuses to compensate for lack of numbers, they really needed the extra characters to have a chance.
And to make things even worse, Andrew had brought along Chewbacca as an ally which was good for him but gave me lots of Threat points which meant I could deploy Imperial reinforcements from turn 1 rather than turn 3 or 4.
Suffice to say the Rebels didn't win but I've no doubt they will have more luck in the next chapter. We've had a rethink and will increase the heroes from 2 to 4 which will make it easier to defeat them individually but I think the numbers will give them a lot more flexibility.
On to the next episode....
A probe droids fends off the heroes |
Look out Chewie...he's behind you... |
More Probe Droids... |