Sunday 6 November 2022

Happy 10th Anniversary to me!

The other day it occurred to me that this blog had been in existence for quite a few years now and when I checked I discovered that today is it's 10th birthday!

I started the blog really as a way of recording what I was playing and to try and inspire me to stick at some projects.  Lots of bloggers seem to report similar reasons for starting (and to feed the ego of course 😉) and its interesting to look back on some of the old posts.  Often it just reminds me how slow I am to get a project onto the table and to see which ones have fallen by the wayside.

Sadly a lot of the early photos seem to have disappeared but many are still up there.

My gaming has changed a lot since 2012.  10 years ago I was a regular at the Guildford Wargames Club and most Monday evenings were spent there.  Thanks to the blog I connected with Eric the Shed and his collective of gamers and increasingly I moved my Monday night games to the Shed.  It turns out I knew some the Shed group from a previous games club several years before. It's a great group of gamers with the sort of attitude where a good game is more important than a win (although a win is always nice!) and I count myself lucky to have fallen in with such a great group.  I also game with a couple of good friends, both ex-Guildford members who, like me were struggling with getting to the club (Guildford's a great club but I was struggling to get there in time)

Looking at the stats there have been 457 posts to date and lots of views... some of these have even been by real people and not the regular drive-by bots.  

The most popular seem to be anything to do with boardgames or reviews of shows like Salute, which makes sense, but bizarrely also a post about a game based on the Battle of Falkirk, one about the game Congo (which I haven't played in years and really ought to), and one about Donnybrook which I bought and have never played (but again really ought to).

Thanks to everybody who pops in and comments.  It's never been about racking up views but it's nice to know that my ramblings are landing somewhere.  Here's to the next 10 years!


  1. Congratulations! Here’s to the next ten!
    Alan Tradgardland

  2. Congratulations on your 10th blogbirthday Alastair!

  3. Well done Alastair! As a non-blogger myself I'm grateful to your good self and other bloggers for posting write-ups on my occasional games! Cheers, Anthony

  4. Congratulations on the 10 years and here's to many more!
